Ricky Burdett is professor of architecture and urbanism at the London School of Economics and has the somewhat influential role of adviser on architecture to the mayor of London. He is the director of the Urban Age programme - a series of world travelling international conferences questioning the future of cities. Burdett's professional interest is focused on devising concepts and influencing urban planning politics and the relationship between the physical and social environment. Due to his collaboration with corporations, state agencies and the world's leading architects, he is involved at the centre of the programming and monitoring of decision-making that shapes the cities. As an active participant who is familiar with various urban analyses and projects, he was selected to be the art director of the 10th Venice Biennale of Architecture entitled Cities. Architecture and Society. Burdett speakes to Oris on the current state of contemporary urban civilization by describing the concept and results of his work at the Biennale.
ORIS — Mr Burdett, you were not that well know on the broader architectural scene before this Venice Biennale. Could you give us your brief professional background?
Burdett — Well, I don't know if I'm going to be better know afterwards, but anyway. Rem Koolhaas told me this summer: Ricky, I've been checking you on Google. The number of entries in Google has gone up in the last three years. I should start checking that myself.